Zoo Meds Aquarium Leaf Litter is the perfect new addition to your aquarium decor! Adding leaf litter to your aquarium (and replenishing as necessary) allows you to:.
- Enrich and add interest to your fishs lives by providing new grazing sites, more cover from light, and places to explore
- Diversify their food source as fish graze on the leaves biofilms or the leaves themselves
- Recreate your fishs natural wild habitat
Jackfruit leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus) sink to the bottom of your tank within 1-2 days to create cover and areas to explore for curious fish. Leaves will grow a biofilm of naturally occurring microorganisms, a perfect first food source for fry or other aquatic pets like shrimp. Larger fish may also eat the leaves directly. Leaf litter may add tannins to your tank, softening the water and reducing pH for keepers who need to maintain specific water parameters.